Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Job Market Update - 12/29/10

For Immediate Release
For Information, Dan Moran 518-641-8968

Albany, NY, December 28, 2010

Job Postings Continue To Slump During Holidays

(Albany, NY, December 28, 2010) – Job postings dropped yet again this week as the holiday slowdown continues and goes deeper. Job postings traditionally decrease just before and right after major holidays, and this December is no different. Postings the past week were just about 4450, down 7% from last week and off 20% from mid-December. “I fully expected to see postings drop off again this week in our Region and the State. This is traditional drop as many employers are on reduced hours or staff during the holiday week. We will see a rebound in January if history proves again right”, stated Dan Moran, Founder & President of Next-Act (, a career transition management firm located in Colonie. Moran assists individuals in identifying new careers and also those in the midst of a job search and needing direction. His firm also tracks the job market on a regional and statewide basis.

Other markets in New York State fell into the same pattern with consistent decreases in job posting activity. While a smaller market, the Capital Region still outpaces other NYS markets (with the exception of metro NYC). This has been consistent for well over three years.


Job postings in the Region are normally in the baseline of 4000 – 4900 on a weekly basis and 7-day rolling average, consistent for this area. Monitoring job postings is a leading indicator of hiring within the following 30-45 days. This methodology is utilized by reading research houses nationally and is employed in the Region by Moran’s firm. For the purpose of reporting, the Region is defined as a 50 mile radius of Albany.

## End##

About Next-Act

Next-Act, a division of DVG, Inc. is a career management & transition firm directed by Dan Moran, the Founder & President of the firm. Moran contributes over thirty years experience in career consulting, business and human resources management. Moran is noted for his expertise in helping today’s “boomers” move on to fulfilling second careers, while helping executives and professionals achieve their career goals. The firm also provides human resources consulting and corporate services to companies. Moran is also a certified facilitator for C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now! & Get Hired Now! programs.

For further press information:

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212

Monday, December 27, 2010

Embrace your fears …

There is nothing to fear but fear itself." --Franklin D. Roosevelt

A short blog this week – like many, off for the week, visiting friends and family, spending a few non-business days in NYC and enjoying this blessed time of the year. Hope you plan to enjoy as well.

Last week I wrote about giving yourself the gift of permission – permission to do for yourself, to grow and to succeed. Had many off-line comments through LinkedIn and other sources. One thing I heard – agree 100% Dan – but I am fearful …

Fear is the great immobilizer. Fear stops people dead in their tracks. Fear stops business. Fear is rooted in what could happen, and is often not based on fact at all. We have all fallen into that trap at some point in our life where we didn’t move forward due the fear of perhaps failing, or we didn’t do what we thought was just right due to fear. We were paralyzed.

And then our greatest fears never happened.

If you really think about it, what do you have to be fearful of? Can you put your hands on it – can you touch it? No – fear is in the mind. And it will mess your mind if you allow it to.

When faced with the uncertainty that fear may cause, turn to your bigger plan – and if you haven’t planned, plan now. Plan every action in your life and career and follow your path. Know where the twists-and-turns will be, and the obstacles you will face. Be reach to adjust your course and push those obstacles out of the way.

Look forward. Go boldly. Do what you know is right. Heed our great past president’s words above. Fear is often the result of not having a concrete plan. Need one? Do it today. Be ready for the new year of promise and opportunity.

And thank you for reading this …

Dan Moran

President & Founder


Career Management & Transition Specialists

125 Wolf Road, Suite #128

Albany, NY 12205

Office: 518-261-4212

Cell: 518-641-8968

eFax: 586-279-4212

Monday, December 20, 2010

In the spirit of holiday giving … give yourself a gift – the gift of permission

The holiday season is full of excitement for many – the parties, the gifts, the bright eyes of children. It is that special time of the year when one gives gifts – to family, friends and others. It is also the time of the year when it is time to think about you --- and to give yourself a gift– a gift of permission – permission to succeed.

All too often we meet people who have ability, smarts, experience and talent – but they just don’t seem to be able to move forward in their career, or life. They are stuck – stuck for one most important reason – they have failed to give themselves permission to achieve, to do something for themselves, to make a difference in their life. So they remain stuck, but so full of potential.

Sometimes it is just accepting – or giving yourself permission – to be imperfect. That imperfect trait should not hold you back, and it can if you let it. Stop sweating the fact that there are many different things you wish were different about your life -- rather focus on what you have to offer and let the other “noise” go.
Perhaps it may seem to be selfish to do for yourself. Perhaps there are other needs that appear to be more pressing. Perhaps it is peer or family pressure. Where ever is, – let it loose, and give yourself permission to be what you want to be and do what you want to do, and celebrate every goal on your way. Once you accept this, your whole outlook will change, obstacles will become opportunities, problems will become just new challenges. To be cliché – you will view the glass as half-full, not half-empty.

With this new found attitude , set your goals and plan, and celebrate along the way:

• Change Your Mindset – Don’t think “oh well, just another interview ..” , rather think “… great, another opportunity to meet someone, learn and impress”. Think “… wow – so many more opportunities” versus“… oh no, more resumes to send and jobs to apply to”. Rather than dread going to a networking opportunity, change your mind to welcoming the opportunity as you may be able to help someone else!

• Celebrate Every Goal – Small and Large – Live in the moment and celebrate when you have achieved a goal, no matter what it is. It could be just finishing your To-Do list earlier in the day – go out and do something fun and reward yourself. It could be nailing an interview on your calendar or closing a sales --- or getting through and connecting with someone you have been chasing – celebrate; reward yourself.

• Compliment Yourself – If you look in the mirror and like what you see, give yourself a compliment -- a real boost. If you do good for someone, compliment yourself. It is okay to say “Damn ... I am good!”

• Commit – to Yourself & Those Around You - Commit to not falling back into the trap of self-denial. It won’t be roses every day, and there will be setbacks. This is when resilience becomes so important. Being resilient will give you the drive to overcome setbacks that may occur along the way. The definition of resilient from Merriam-Webster is telling: re-sil-ent: adverb; capable of withstanding shock without deformation or rupture; tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Giving yourself the gift of permission will make for a memorable holiday season – for years to come. My best to you at this festive time of the year --- and thank you for reading this. - Dan

Monday, December 13, 2010

Capital Region – The kudos just keep rolling in – we are a high-tech mecca …

Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared”. – George Clason

Not too many years ago many questioned if we are truly the Tech Valley. I still here it today, and it makes me scratch my head and wonder. Many doubted Global Foundries actually happened – and many wondered what those strange buildings were over near the SUNY campus in Albany “… just what do they do in there”?

Well – it is here. We are Tech Valley and we are being recognized as one of the leading Regions in the world (yes world – not just country). I have just included some highlights from the article that broke Thursday morning on
We're a high-tech mecca
By Larry Rulison Business Writer
Published: 12:00 a.m., Thursday, December 9, 2010

ALBANY -- A national report has named the Capital Region one of the fastest growing areas in the country for technology jobs.

… The report, called CyberCities 2010, was released Wednesday by the TechAmerica Foundation in Washington, D.C., and it found that the area's strength is its research and development labs -- such as Albany NanoTech and GE Global Research in Niskayuna … The most significant finding was that the Capital Region is the third-fastest growing high-tech area in the country, behind only Oklahoma City and Huntsville, Ala.

The complete post:

So what does this mean to you as you read this? It is time to get in step and ride the wave on the Region’s growth and opportunity. Three recommendations:

• Accept – If you haven’t accepted that we are the Tech Valley, time to change your mind and embrace the changes we are seeing.
• Seek – Look at where you are in your career and where you want to be – and add in the element that if this Region is your choice, how can you change what you do to be part of the Tech Valley evolution. Remember – it isn’t just the 1500 +/- jobs at the Global Foundries plant, most that will require specialized skills, but the 4 to 6 times multiplier of other jobs in the Region to support the plant and the community that serves it. Determine how you can be part of it – and jump on to training or educational opportunities, or positions where you can begin to develop skills to align to the new needs of the Region. If you are not where you want to be, give yourself permission (more on this next week) to make the changes you need to be where you should be in your life.
• Prosper – Get engaged in the right job or career for you or in the alternative, perhaps it is time to strike out on your own in your own business. Whatever your decision, focus on being prosperous and not just surviving – it is a powerful mindset that can take you to your dreams.

Unsure if your own business is right for you? It can be determined, through assessments, discussion and planning. Career consultants (that’s what I do) can help you explore this, and assess it your own business is right for you, before you make a critical mistake.

Our Capital Region is being transformed – as well as the surrounding area. So when someone say to you – “… Albany, it show like the dickens there and why live there… “ – just smile and walk on – let’s keep the secret to us.
Tech Valley is here. It is real. It is here to stay. Seize opportunity. Grow and prosper.

And thank you for – as always – reading this. - Dan

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Job Market Report 12/8/10

Starting to come back - hope this is helpful ...

For Immediate Release
For Information, Dan Moran 518-641-8968

Albany, NY, December 7, 2010

Job Postings Flat Last Seven Days – But Improving

(Albany, NY, December 1, 2010) – Job postings have been flat at just about 4600, but have been improving by 20% over the past three days, signaling that we are out of the Thanksgiving Holiday lull and returning to hiring, consistent with local surveys showing the same forecast. “Local surveys of employers shoring that employers will pick up hiring in December, and the last three days day-by-day results are showing this to be true, “ stated Dan Moran, Founder & President of Next-Act (, a career transition management firm located in Colonie. Moran assists individuals in identifying new careers and also those in the midst of a job search and needing direction. His firm also tracks the job market on a regional and statewide basis.

“Holidays put the job market into a lull and we saw this the past few weeks. Let’s hope the positive trend continues”.

Other markets in New York State showed similar results – with very strong results in metro NYC. While a smaller market, the Capital Region still outpaces other NYS markets (with the exception of metro NYC). This has been consistent for well over two years.


Job postings in the Region are normally in the baseline of 4000 – 4900 on a weekly basis and 7-day rolling average, consistent for this area. Monitoring job postings is a leading indicator of hiring within the following 30-45 days. This methodology is utilized by reading research houses nationally and is employed in the Region by Moran’s firm. For the purpose of reporting, the Region is defined as a 50 mile radius of Albany.

## End##

About Next-Act

Next-Act, a division of DVG, Inc. is a career management & transition firm directed by Dan Moran, the Founder & President of the firm. Moran contributes over thirty years experience in career consulting, business and human resources management. Moran is noted for his expertise in helping today’s “boomers” move on to fulfilling second careers, while helping executives and professionals achieve their career goals. The firm also provides human resources consulting and corporate services to companies. Moran is also a certified facilitator for C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now! & Get Hired Now! programs.

For further press information:

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Managing to Lead – Why some (maybe your) managers fail …

“A good manager is a man who isn't worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him.” H. S. M Burns

This past week, I happened upon a blog by Steve Tobak (The Corner Office,;blog-author-info) who writes for Steve authored what I thought was a great blog on the 10 Ways to be a Better Manager. In my practice, I hear over and over again how a managers failure to lead, communicate and set an example for others drives people out of an organization. So – with Steve’s permission, I thought it would be helpful to outline – for you as a manager or aspiring manager or to help your boss – these 10 tips:

Good Managers …
1. Don’t send mixed messages to your employees so that they never know where you stand. Nothing gets people running around in circles, chasing their tails, like saying one thing today and flip-flopping tomorrow. Be consistent and clear.

2. Don’t BS your team. Be genuine and straightforward. If your management sets direction you don’t agree with, explain that you don’t always agree with them but then, you’re not the boss. It’s called “disagree and commit” and it is effective.

3. Don’t act more concerned about your own welfare than anything else. Selfish behavior inspires the same in your team.

4. Don’t avoid taking responsibility for your actions. Holding yourself accountable is the only way you can credibly hold others accountable.

5. Don’t jump to conclusions without checking your facts first. Mature leaders never react or overreact to a single data point or event. All that accomplishes is getting others to panic and start pointing fingers.

6. Do what you say you are going to do when you are going to do it. I’m not crazy about the wording, but the message is clear: walk the talk. That’s what builds credibility and confidence in you as a leader and your team as a group.

7. Do be responsive (return phone calls, emails). In this day and age of over-communication I wouldn’t spend all your time responding to every little thing, but when it’s important, communicate in real time if possible.

8. Do admit your mistakes … and take the blame for failures. There is no better way to learn and teach. Failure is how we grow and mature.

9. Do recognize your team and publicly support your people. That doesn’t mean destroy your own credibility by BSing your management or acting as if your team is perfect, but when they do the job or excel, get the word out.

10. Do ask and listen. Enough said.Above all, remember that the day you stop listening and learning is the day you stop growing as a manager, as a leader … and as a person. In my experience, expertise is both relative and transitory.

These tips are so on point. Management isn’t complex – we are very simple animals to understand – we respond to direction, we listen and we act. If that direction and communication isn’t clear or if disrespect is shown, employees don’t respond or perform.

Please share! And thank you Steve for allowing me to share.

And thank you for reading this. - Dan

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Job Market Update, December 1, 2010

Holiday is over - back to the real world.

For Immediate Release
For Information, Dan Moran 518-641-8968

Albany, NY, December 1, 2010

On Heels of Holiday, Job Posting Plummet

(Albany, NY, December 1, 2010) – Job postings dropped significantly the past seven days on the heels of the Thanksgiving holiday, which was expected. Postings dropped to just about 4600, down from 5300 and 5600 the past two weeks. “This drop is not unusual after and around a major holiday. What is important to see is a day by day rebound which, over the past three days, has been occurring. We should see postings return to the levels we have seen the past several weeks shortly,” stated Dan Moran, Founder & President of Next-Act (, a career transition management firm located in Colonie. Moran assists individuals in identifying new careers and also those in the midst of a job search and needing direction. His firm also tracks the job market on a regional and statewide basis.

Moran again recommended that job seekers do not curtail their search efforts during the upcoming holiday season. “In fact, you should do just the opposite – keep the pressure on and take advantage of opportunities to network and make new contacts. Many job seekers are falsely lead to believe that jobs dry up during the holiday season. There is no statistical data to prove this; it is a myth. Job seekers leave the market however”.

Other markets in New York State showed similar results. While a smaller market, the Capital Region still outpaces other NYS markets (with the exception of metro NYC). This has been consistent for well over two years.


Job postings in the Region are normally in the baseline of 4000 – 4900 on a weekly basis and 7-day rolling average, consistent for this area. Monitoring job postings is a leading indicator of hiring within the following 30-45 days. This methodology is utilized by reading research houses nationally and is employed in the Region by Moran’s firm. For the purpose of reporting, the Region is defined as a 50 mile radius of Albany.

## End##

About Next-Act

Next-Act, a division of DVG, Inc. is a career management & transition firm directed by Dan Moran, the Founder & President of the firm. Moran contributes over thirty years experience in career consulting, business and human resources management. Moran is noted for his expertise in helping today’s “boomers” move on to fulfilling second careers, while helping executives and professionals achieve their career goals. The firm also provides human resources consulting and corporate services to companies. Moran is also a certified facilitator for C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now! & Get Hired Now! programs.

For further press information:

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212