Thursday, June 24, 2010

Job Market Update, June 24, 2010

A bit of a drop the last seven days following a trend. Employers very cautious over State budget and potential State layoffs. Remember - 24% of our areas population work int he public sector. layoff's there could hurt.

Thanks for reading this ... Dan
____________________________________________________________________________________FFor Immediate Release
For Information, Dan Moran 518-641-8968

Albany, NY, June 23, 2010

Job Postings Drop 10% Past Week – State Budget Woes Raise Concerns Among Employers …

(Albany, NY, June 23, 2010) – Job postings in the Capital Region dropped 10% this past week, coming in at just over 5100, down from 5600 the week before indicating that employers may have paused in their recruitment and hiring plans. Postings are still way above last year at the same time when postings were at 3500.

“The drop this week and a rather flat few weeks indicate that there is a level of caution among hiring managers. Informal discussions with businesses indicate a strong concern over the State budget situation and the potential impact on the Region especially when news of earlier layoff plans hit the market last week. As we have seen so many times in the past, where there are discussion of this type in the State, employers usually respond by pausing and holding back. We saw it last year; we are seeing this again”, stated Dan Moran, Founder & President of Next-Act (, a career transition management firm located in Colonie. Moran assists individuals in identifying new careers and also those in the midst of a job search and needing direction. His firm also tracks the job market on a regional and statewide basis.

“With twenty-four percent of the Regions workforce employed in the public sector in some manner, any hiccup in the stability of this sector causes concern”.

With the exception of Syracuse, all other markets in NYS saw slight increases this past week while the Capital region saw a drop. The Capital Region continues to outpace Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse for job postings. The Capital Region is the smallest of all these markets as well. Other NYS markets saw some increases this past seven days,

# Background#

Job postings in the Region are normally in the baseline of 4000 – 4900 on a weekly basis and 7-day rolling average, consistent for this area. Monitoring job postings is a leading indicator of hiring within the following 30-45 days. This methodology is utilized by reading research houses nationally and is employed in the Region by Moran’s firm. For the purpose of reporting, the Region is defined as a 50 mile radius of Albany.

## End##

About Next-Act

Next-Act, a division of DVG, Inc. is a career management & transition firm directed by Dan Moran, the Founder & President of the firm. Moran contributes over thirty years experience in career consulting, business and human resources management. Moran is noted for his expertise in helping today’s “boomers” move on to fulfilling second careers, while helping executives and professionals achieve their career goals. The firm also provides human resources consulting and corporate services to companies. Moran is also a certified facilitator for C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now! & Get Hired Now! programs.

For further press information:

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Where do you get your listings for jobs? I mean 5000 does not sound unreasonable for this area but I highly expect that more than half of these jobs are hourly and most likely for the summer since cheap labor is arriving quickly (HS kids). Is it plausible (most likely from what I'm seeing) that of that 500 drop in postings, 99% were probably seasonal summer positions being lined up for and have gotten by High School kids? If not I'd like a crack at some of the 5000 job postings because from all the searching I have done that 5000 seems like a combination of job boards which probably have the same position listed. I see plenty of the same jobs listed but nothing more than that and I am getting to the point of why should I bother looking to what kind of jobs can I get to end up working 100 hours a week again?

    and please take that knowing I have very limited information, I just came across the blog and having fun exploring it. I will be inputting all over the place and feel free to email me back regarding anything incorrect I probably will say
