Sunday, August 28, 2011

Communication ... is it a lost art as many say? No and it is part of your success if you go over-the-top …

“Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?” – Anthony Robbins

Nothing beats good, “old fashioned” communication – in today’s world – to stand out.

We are sucked into the world of instant and continual communication – via Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, texting, email, other social media, and by the time I finish this blog there will be others new to the market that will soon be the “gotta haves” of the world of communication. It never ends – and it streams constantly.

With this, we seem to have lost the art of communicating – through old fashioned postal mail (now known as snail mail), one-to-one communication and the good old phone. And it is a shame as it can be and has been, very successful in building – and cementing – relationships that stand the test of time and can pay back in the future.

If you were to walk into my office, you would see a bookshelf covered with thank you notes and other handwritten notes I have received. They are important – they are lasting. I want to share a success story that you can learn from about the value of good, old fashioned one-to-one communication and how lasting it can be.

Not too long ago, a gentleman who was interviewing with a company for a position in sales he had gone through two interviews and was scheduled to meet with the CEO – for the last and hopefully final interview. The interview seemed to go well – he left full of confidence. Thought, “ Yup – nailed that it – it is all me”.

He didn’t get the job – and was devastated to a degree, but dusted himself off and moved on. What he did however set the stage for the future.

In this situation, most would just go away, spitting and sputtering and maybe mad a bit.

He didn’t. He took another path – he wrote a personal thank you not to the CEO, thanking him for the opportunity to interview, meet he and his team and mailed it – the same day he was told he didn’t get the job. He got above the disappointment and planted a seed. He knew that being rejected for a job wasn’t a personal defeat – it was just more of a “not now” decision that can change in the future.

Fast forward about 18 months later. He receives a call to come meet with this same CEO again, and he didn’t know why. When he entered the office, on the CEO’s desk was his handwritten note he sent 18 months prior. He was told by the CEO of the impression his action made. The CEO kept the note in his desk drawer; he was impressed and wanted to find a way to make this work. And it did. A new opening became available – he was hired on the spot.

Good, old-fashioned communication set him apart and cemented a relationship for the future. An email is the “easy” way and he could have done that – he opted to make a stronger impression, and it worked.

So how do you follow-up after an interview many ask? Two steps:

1. Send an email the first opportunity you have and it must be the same day thanking those you met with for their consideration.
2. Send – the same day as well by US Mail – a handwritten (or typed) thank you care so it arrives the next day or the day after.

Is this overkill – no. It’s good communication and sets you apart. Many would not do anything or in the worst case, burn a bridge. What you should do in this situation: build a bridge – for the future.

Do so in all your relationships – continued to build them. Know that it will pay back in the future. And thank you for reading this. - Dan

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212
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