“Automation does not make optimism obsolete.” – George Key Funston
Please be sure to see the links at the end of this post …
I was interviewed by our own Joe Gallagher on 810 WGY (http://www.wgy.com/pages/joegallagher.html) this past Sunday morning. We talked about the job situation in our Region and as well the need to create new jobs in our changing economy. Clearly this is the political discussion of the day.
One fact that Joe and I talked about is the whole issue of job obsolescence. Our economy has changed over the past few years and will likely never return to where we were before. No politician can change what has happened no matter what they say.
What happened?
… Overnight you may have become obsolete.
… You may have been replaced with technology.
… The industry you worked in may be one on its way out forever.
There is nothing you can do to change it - but there is plenty to do to prepare and be ready.
During the recession, many companies used the money they built up by not hiring and cutting operating costs and invested in new technology to make their business more efficient. The auto industry is an example. Sales are way up now and so are their profits. They invested in technology with the bailout they received from the Fed and retooled. They retooled thousands of jobs that will never return. Some can say it was not right; others would agree that it is just good business.
The result - there is a good lot of talented and quality minded people out there who overnight it seems saw their industry change. They didn't have the technology skills to survive the change.
This is happening in businesses large and small today and in all industries. I hear it from the companies I talk to all the time. New software programs, new processes - you name it- business is doing more with less (and I should add the public sector too). I don't see any change in this. I see this continuing to happen - and likely with more gusto.
Right here in our Region, I was talking to a business owner of a company of 21 people. Through new software in office automation, he was able to cut 5 jobs (and that means people) who he will never need again. That is about 20% of his staff.
Okay you accept it. So what do you do?
If you are seeing the signs, begin to tool yourself now - do not wait for an unemployment slip or difficult work situation. Take control and identify:
What you want to do next...
And the skills that will be required to do that...
Then go get them!
There are so many options for career development programs, technology training, training in jobs and industries with planned demand. There are private programs, community colleges, online learning and more is available to you. Start researching now - and get help with this if you need it.
What are some areas of demand for skilled workers?
Some of the many:
- Healthcare -and not just those positions involving patients but administration, patient and family services, office, office management, etc. Remember- health care in a business and needs qualified people to run the business and serve its employees and patients.
- Skilled trades - construction, carpentry, plumbers - you name it; there is a demand and shortage now.
- Technology - need I say more? Hot spots: security, systems analysts, programmers, developers.
- Engineering - most all disappoints.
- And in our Region - semiconductor processors and other positions in manufacturing in this industry.
Take control. Be in control. Never be obsolete.
And thank you for reading this. – Dan
PS: Some very valuable links to lists of highest demand and growing career occupations. Hope you find this helpful:
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