Market churning along --- that is good!
Immediate Release
12, 2013
Postings Hold Steady after strong increase – Continued Strength in Job Market
NY, June 12, 2013) – Job postings held steady at a rate of sharp
increase the prior seven days, a strong
indicators of continued consistency and
strength in the local, regional, statewide and national job market and this is
good news all around, Postings were 2092 vs. 2072 the week prior, but holding
steady. “ “Steady is good especially at the
levels we are seeing now which are new high levels for the market but
not to pre-recession levels and many economists agree – it might
be five years before we see that, but we will take a stronger market now – good
news for all”, stated Dan Moran, of Next-Act (, a career transition
management firm located in Colonie.
news is on the heels of a lowering unemployment rate but lower than average
April job postings nationwide. “We saw this in our market as well – employers
paused a bit – but the indicators are strong for the last month of this quarter
so job seekers be advised – don’t put your resume on the shelf for the summer
and don’t buy into the old take that jobs go away in the summer – they do not!”
continued Moran.
markets in NYS showed similar results with either flat for very slightly lower
numbers. The Capital Region continues to still outpace Buffalo, Rochester and
Syracuse, all larger markets with more employers and population.
Job Scene
the national level, job postings were up rater sharply reaching 651,000 this
past seven days vs. 579, 630 jobs the week before. April was softer nationally;
a bit of catch up.
About Next-Act
a division of DVG, Inc. is a career management & transition firm directed
by Dan Moran, the Founder & President of the firm. Moran contributes over
thirty years experience in career consulting, business and human resources
management. In 2013, his firm will celebrate
25 years in business. Moran is noted for his
expertise in helping today’s “boomers” move on to fulfilling second careers,
while helping executives and professionals achieve their career goals. The firm
also provides human resources consulting and corporate services to companies.
Moran is also a certified facilitator for C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now!
& Get Hired Now! programs.
Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
Corporate Management Services
Celebrating 25 years providing career & corporate management
services in 2013!
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Phone: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212
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