Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why People Leave Jobs … It’s Not Just the Money

People are moving to new jobs in droves. The level of employee engagement – people aligned to the work they do and feeling good about their job and career – is at an all time, and in my opinion, dangerous level. Surveys are reporting that 71-75% of employees are not engaged in their work and therefore, not productive, committed or happy with what they do. Add one more static that was reported by Forbes this past week ( – people are changing jobs not once every 20 years (that is history), not 10 years, not seven, five or even three – on average every 1.5 years. This is devastating to employers and supports  high employee disengagement  (I will be writing more about this very soon).

So why are people leaving jobs?

A recent survey by Dale Carnegie Training and reported on LinkedIn ( reported the top ten reasons people are leaving jobs, and the results, were not surprising. The list can be a checklist for you – to take your pulse on where you are – engaged or ready to bolt. So let’s review the top ten:

10. Think grass is greener – Very common. An employee leaves thinking that their situation will change and things will be better at a new company and often, it is the same old same old.

9. Values do not align to the company - One’s values must be in line with the values of their employer.

8. You don’t feel valued – Being employed consumes 80% of your waking time – and if you do not feel valued and perhaps “used”, you should leave.

7. Job insecurity – When one feels their employer is on shaky ground, employees bolt for safer grounds.

6. No room for advancement – I remember hearing … “If you stand in place, you will rust”. If an employee cannot grow and advance, they will leave to a company that may have a ladder thy can climb.

Now for the “biggies” – the top five:

5. Unhappy with pay – Surprised? I wasn’t. One can make all the money in the world, but if they are unhappy, that money means nothing. To “chase” money in a job or career search won’t work over time.

4. Too much red tape – Call it bureaucracy, technology, reporting etc. – it is all the same. Employees often feel they don’t have time to do their job (sell, service, fix) because they are bogged down in paper, reports or red tape in some fashion.  

3. Not being challenged – Employees invest in developing skills and experience through work, training, education and personal development. If one’s skills are not being utilized, they move on.

2. Passion is gone – We change over time. What we may have been passionate about in the past changes as we mature. When one loses their passion, they lose interest, motivation and their attitude may suffer – all signs that it is time to move on.

And number one:

1. They hate their boss – People leave companies in droves when there are poor, untrained, disrespectful, uncommunicative and often disengaged managers. It is rampant in companies and in my consulting work I do with companies I usually find that the company isn’t “broken” – the management is. People find themselves in management and are never training on how to lead; it is a shame and so costly to companies.

One or more sound like you?

If so, time to plan your change – in job or career. Take control of your future, and your happiness. There is no reason to toil in a role that doesn’t motivate and drive you. When you are not, it affects all parts of your life: family, relationship, community, health and more.

Step one: Accept – accept that you need a change. Accept that your situation may be broken. Accept that you are no happy. Step two: Commit to do something about it – start today.
And thank you for reading this. - Dan

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