Sunday, February 2, 2014

Join the “crowd”: The only way to control your destiny--be in it for yourself…

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing." --Abraham Lincoln
Working for the “man”? Fed up with your boss? Just had it with the work rat race?
Fire yourself and be in business for yourself - a little bit at a time.
Huh? Yes, that’s the reaction of a group I spoke to recently when I brought this topic up. I got those looks like…
"… Okay Moran, what do you mean a little bit at a time? Have you lost it...?"
No, not really. There is a whole new movement in the marketplace today; a movement that is being fueled by individuals just saying to hell with traditional work. Over the past few years, the number of people who elect not to take another job but rather start their own business is soaring. Better than 35% have the desire to do so, while about 12% annually are actually opting for self-employment, in their own business, driving their own destiny. Before this percentage was normally 2% of those looking for a job – this is a huge 600% increase.
And why? 
They want to be in control, and not controlled. They want flexibility and freedom. 
In some cases they launch full steam, full time. In others, it is a gradual process. They are the new and budding Employedpreneur ( The ambitious professional who undertakes launching and running a business while working full-time.
Think of the possibilities:
Enjoy cooking and thinking about being a caterer? Rather than jump in with both feet, try catering a few holiday gatherings this year, see how you like it and determine if you can make a go of it.
Handy with a trade? Try a few projects (paid please) for others and see if it “fits” you and if you can turn a profit.
Like to write? Publish a blog--market it--and see how it is received and read in the market.
… and the list can go on and on.
There is even a website dedicated to this new movement:
But what does it take to be successful in your enterprise? No matter what level of expertise you have, you must:
…  Listen to advice
… Trust your instincts
… Have the ability and drive to take action
… Be willing to take measured risks
The first step, however, is to answer the big question: Is your own business right for you?
This is critical. Being in business for some is in perfect alignment to their personality and interests. For others, it is not a match and can be a nightmare. Get this answer first.
If you can’t get the answer yourself, get professional assistance. I have used an assessment tool--the EF: Entrepreneurial Five-Factor Assessment©, which I developed to help guide (or not) clients to their own business. There are other tools as well on the market; just be sure there is validity and experience to back them up.
Be in control. Drive your destiny. Break the shackles of traditional work and you will grow and prosper--and you will work hard!
Give Yourself Permission…
… it is the release to let you soar!

Dan Moran
President & Founder

Next-Act, Division of DVG, Inc.
Career Management & Transition Specialists
Corporate Management Services

Celebrating 26 years providing career & corporate management services in
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Phone: 518-641-8968  

Author: Accept-Commit-Permit: Three Essential Steps to Achieving Happiness &
Success in Career (and Life!) ... Exclusively at

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