Sunday, March 18, 2012

Leadership .. Define expectations. . Lessons from waffle house

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity". - George Patton

Oh come on -- admit it. When in the South you just long to or give in and visit Waffle House - that staple of the South that serves probably the worst things you eat in a very unique setting with wait staff blaring orders, cooks using what at first may seem like a strange system to keep track of orders (it's all in how they set up plates with condiments, packets, etc. That is the key) and everyone is greeted once you enter the restaurant.

I am addicted to waffle house. Gotta go. Gotta have some (umm -- scattered has browns and a bisque with sausage gravy). Gotta see leadership in action.


Like it or not, the manner in which they handle orders is leadership driven by a process and above all, every employee knows what is expected of them. The expectations are clear, drilled into each team member and repeated over and over again. Orders are barked from the same spot next to the cook line. The cook's plan what to prepare by putting condiments in certain places on a plate that defines the order. It looks like chaos; it works!

Fast forward to March 10, 2012 -- the Gallup survey on job expectations. In the survey, just over half of employees knew what the expectations of their job are. It's the other group - those who do not understand the expectations their company or boss has of them -- that is most concerning. They didn't understand what as expected of them on the job.

Without clear expectations, employees never perform to their full potential, succeed or are top contributors. Managers should heed this advice: Tell them what is expected; they will do the job. (

In my opinion, and the opinion of others, the reason many are disconnected, discontented, under productive or not engaged in their job may be found in the simple idea that they don't know what their job is. They are not using their strengths; they don't understand where they fit in the company.

In this situation?

Two tips:

If your manager won't define expectations for you, take control - define them yourself - If you wait for your manager to define for you, it could be a long, unproductive time. Rather, take control, define what you believe your expectations re or should be, present to you manager and drive for your manager's concurrence. Not only will you be on the right playing field with a game plan, you will be viewed as one who cares.

The end game is better productivity, sales or other metric - So, once you define your expectations, develop a plan to achieve them, document your results, conduct your own personal employee evaluation -- and share with your manager.

Manage up - find out what your bosses boss expects, and build this into your plan - Never hurts for sure, and can help in the long run.

Unfortunately, some managers are just cowards and prefer not to manage or define expectations so they can remain in control, on top and be secure. If you can't break this, it is time to move on elsewhere. Know it sound blunt - it is because it is true.

You can only win a game if you keep score and beat the other person or team. Measure every day. Win every day.

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