Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thank you for your job application – may we please inspect your underwear?

A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. - Baltasar Gracian

I’m sorry – could not resist – may we please inspect your underwear?

Tests & Assessments …
Credit Report Checks …
Background Checks …
Social Media (Facebook et al) Checks …
References …
Criminal Record Checks …
Identity Verifications …
Online application Systems …

It isn’t just applying for a job anymore – it is a series of processes that the job applicant is required to go through, and it takes time and is sometimes confusing. Many a client has asked me “Do I really need to go through all of this to apply for a job I know I am qualified for?”

The answer is yes. You have no choice. And it is all legal and should be expected.

And neither does the prospective employer whose side I want to provide.

I am in the business of helping people in their careers and as well, I work with employers to help them make the best decisions on job candidates utilizing assessments to determine job “fit” (1) and likeliness to succeed in a job or in a company, reference screening, interviewing, etc.

I see what employers are up against with stringent laws and regulations on hiring practices, potential litigation for making a bad hiring decision, liability and other legal concerns. It is absolutely required that an employer go through steps for due diligence before offering employment to a candidate. To not do so is dangerous, potentially harmful individually and to the business and just plain poor business practice.

You may have heard of some of the examples of poor hiring decisions that a hiring manager has made which include:

Hiring someone with a felony conviction for child molestation to be a janitor in a building where children are …

Hiring an accountant who had a history of bad credit and stealing from prior employers …

Hiring a person for a job that requires communicating with customers when they are introverted and not a fit for the job (and customers leave) …

Paying an employee only to find out they are not they say they are (social security identify theft) …

Not checking references and finding out later that the candidate lied about their experience …

Not determining who is the best fir for the job (personality, interests, cultural fit, et al) but rather hiring on “gut” feel …

… and the list can go on.

So that is why one in the job market is asked to go through these steps, and you should always cooperate and above all, be honest!

Employer not following due diligence in hiring?

Employers who may not be following due diligence in hiring and unsure if they are hiring the right person for the job or have, in the past, made a hiring decision that went bad, are encouraged to get their hiring processes in line and stop the financial bleed (a.k.a lost money, costs, etc.) of poor hiring decisions – bleed that includes the costs of employee turnover, lost productivity, impact upon sales & customers, impact on remaining employees, training and retraining costs and more. It is estimated that the cost of a poor hire – one that comes, doesn’t work out and leaves (on their terms or the employers) - is at minimum 2 to 5 times annual salary and benefits --- and some surveys say it is even more.

But what about those online application systems …

I hear the complaint all the time, “… took me one hour – two hours --- to complete the online application for a job and I had to not only upload my resume, but fill out online forms that asked for the same info! What gives? …”

The advent of ATS – Applicant Tracking Systems – have on one side streamlined the applicant review process for the employer but are sometimes poorly designed for the job applicant. The sad part – most in human resources don’t know what it takes to complete their application process, and they do not know that many a very qualified and excellent candidate bolts halfway through the online application process in frustration – and sometimes anger. The applicant has a bad taste for the employer; the employer never sees a great candidate because of their system.

If you are reading that as an employer and you haven’t looked at the process and time required to complete an online application for your company, please do so and you may be surprised.

We live in a litigious society and culture where everyone is afraid to do something that might come back and hurt them in some manner, and it does not look like that is going to change.

Above all, do not lose sight that the ideal career, job or business is there for you – or the ideal candidate is there for you to hire successfully  – it is at the end of the rainbow so don’t stop climbing for it!

And thank you for reading this. - Dan

(1): Job Fit – Alignment of an individual to the requirements of a job (or career) that incorporates personality preferences that the job requires, interest in the job subject matter, aptitude and temperament to do the job and ability to align with the culture of the company.

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