Monday, January 10, 2011

Career Off-Kilter? … You have the power to change it … if you want to and can accept change

"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it." ~ W. Somerset Maugham

The story this past week about the unemployed and homeless gentleman in Columbus, Ohio – Ted Williams – is a true testimony to the fact that no matter how difficult you believe your situations is, no matter how far you feel you have fallen, you can pick yourself up, dust off and achieve your dream and improve your lot in life and career.

Ted was down and out for years. He abused drugs and alcohol took over his life. He committed crimes and swindled people just to get by. He lost his family; he lost his dignity.

But he never lost his god-given talent – a phenomenal radio voice and smile – or his faith in himself. Ted was determined to change his life for the better. He used the resources he could muster – his warm smile, his booming voice and a simple sign on a piece of cardboard. He greeted passerby’s on the corner every morning – beamed the smile, bellowed his voice and made others smile. Then he was discovered by a reporter driving by, his story was put on ( and the rest is history. Job offers flooded in; he has a new life, and he is thankful – so thankful – to those who helped. In 48 hours he went from homeless and unemployed to being on the Today Show. What a trip.

So – if you are reading this and wondering – sure, but how does this help me, please take a moment to reflect. You may feel your life or career situation is hopeless, that you cannot change it, that no one will help you, that there are no jobs or someone would never hire you or give you a chance – or in other words, you feel stuck with nowhere to go.

Ted’s story is evidence – you are never stuck if you have determination and a plan. Ted was determined and he had a plan to change his life. It all begins with making life-changing decisions – the decision to succeed, to give yourself permission to accept change and the decision to being happy for once . If you can make those decisions for yourself, there will be no stopping you.

Made the decision? What’s next …

You may have heard the quote, You cannot manage what you cannot measure (Peter Drucker). It is so true – in business, in life and most certainly in your career. This is why it is so critically important to have a detailed, documented tactical plan that can guide you and will serve to measure how you are doing. A plan to move on to a new and better career (or job) could include the following actions:

* Update resume by (date)
* Identify what makes me happy doing – what I am passionate above by (date)
* Create a list to 10 networking contacts and contact one each day starting on (date) and completing by (date)
* Work with my mentor, counselor, consultant or friend on holding me accountable once per week (or month)
* Develop a financial budget and determine what I/we really need to make by (date) and then measure actual spending 30 days later (you will be so surprised what you will learn)
* Volunteer with XYZ organization to be helpful and meet new people who could be good contacts by (date).
* Get one interview within the next 30 days; two within 45 days.
* Daily accept that I can be successful, can improve my life and that I control all that happens in my life and career.

Notice how this works – each item is planned and scheduled with completion goals. As you move through the list and achieve, you attitude will change, you will see promise – and you will be in control. A few resources to assist:…/362/ (by Dan Moran)

Accept – be determined – persevere. It is never too late to be what you might have been (this hangs in my office).

And thank you for reading this. - Dan

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