Sunday, February 26, 2012

Be One to Watch – Give and you shall receive …

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” – Kiahil Gilbran

In every community, there are those very special few known as the ones to watch. Those people who do special things, go out of their way and are deemed special. They are the ones to watch as they grow and prosper in their lives and careers. These are the people who you read about and observe through the media, events and other communications as the individuals who are focused and destined for achievement.

There is one common theme you find when looking at those growing, aspiring and being recognized –

They are not all in for themselves …

They give back …

… to their community, their family or those in need in some special way. And they are noticed for this.

Giving back – and that doesn’t have to be money or valuables but could be time, leadership and commitment - defines a person as one who cares. In life and career, your definition – or your perception – is what will make, or break you.

But who has lots of time for giving back when leading a full (and perhaps a stressful) life? You don’t need it. It isn’t about gobs of time – it is about quality in what one contributes – be it time, resources, contacts or more. It is being responsive to the needs of others and the community and giving before being asked. That is leadership.

Giving back is but one measure of a person who achieves leadership in their life; it is other qualities or traits as well. Over the years of watching those achieve and sadly those who don’t has taught me the key characteristics of those who reach career & life achievement. I call it the 4-P’s of those who achieve success:

• They are Positive – If you are positive about what you do, you will enjoy it and you will excel. If not in a positive role or workplace, you won’t connect. You won’t be happy, and it will show to others, and your performance will reflect this too.

• They have Purpose – Successful workers go to work every day because they serve a purpose, and that may be to their family, to the community, environment or some other cause. They identify with it, and this drives success. They give back when they receive.

• They see Potential – Rather than seeing obstacles to hold them back, they see potential in what they are doing, and they strive toward it – always and every day. They don’t let small stuff get in the way – they work around it. They find a reason to do, rather than not do something or pursue an opportunity.

• Above all, they have Passion – You may have heard the quote by Dale Carnegie, "You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing". It is so true. Those truly successful in their career and in their life have passion for what they do. They have a burning desire to achieve, to grow or to contribute. They are not working for pay or a pension, they are working because they love what they do. That defines the difference between many: Some work for just pay – others work for their cause.

Giving back is leadership – and it feels good too! And thank you for reading this. - Dan

Dan Moran
President & Founder
Career Management & Transition Specialists
Celebrating 24 years providing career management services in 2012!
125 Wolf Road, Suite #128
Albany, NY 12205
Office: 518-261-4212
Cell: 518-641-8968
eFax: 586-279-4212

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